The UNESCO Chair «Intercultural Policy for Active Citizenship and Solidarity” was established at the University of Macedonia, approved by UNESCO’s Secretariat and followed by the agreement signed between UNESCO and the University of Macedonia, in 2004.

The mission of the Chair is to promote research, training, information and further training in the field of intercultural policy. The term Intercultural Policy, used in all UNESCO’s actions shows that the Member States should contribute to the respect of the cultural tradition of each person or group of persons, the respect for human rights, the promotion of equal opportunities and the best possible integration of the individual or group of individuals in society. Combating all forms of discrimination with the perspective of harmonious coexistence who reside in a state and between the states, as well, in a peaceful global environment.

The preposition ‘’inter’’ regarding the multicultural policy field ensures refusal in any one-sided process, regardless of any good intentions, and invites everyone, with or without special features, to live in a society based on the acceptance of diversity of others and mutual respect their rights.

The term “active and inclusive citizenship” means respect for different nationalities and specific characteristics of the individual or group of individuals through the protection and respect of rights of all persons residing in a country.

In order to fulfill the -previously- mentioned objectives of the Department of International and European Studies curriculum, an elective course  “Intercultural Policies” replaced with “Cultural Diplomacy”, while the specialization programs created the course “Human Rights and Multicultural Policy”. Furthermore, the Chair provides students the opportunity to participate in activities through internships during which they prepare papers, make translations, compilations of international instruments and assist the preparation of the organization’s events. In the context of the internship, a group of students has recruited to edit “News of UNESCO», which is displayed on our website.

Until today, the Chair has carried out a number of reports and publications:

1. Rules of Conduct for the daily communication with Disabled People.

2. UNESCO Conventions, published with the financial assistance of the Greek National Commission for UNESCO.

3. Protection of the Rights of Women. International instruments in global and regional level.

4. Mechanisms of Protection of Human Rights. International instruments, theory and practice.

5. International mechanisms protecting human rights. Texts, comments and case law.

6. The protection of women’s rights in the European Union.

7. The notion of cultural and natural heritage of humanity: the contribution of UNESCO.

8. Human Rights: Questions and Answers.

Moreover, the UNESCO Chair published the “Rules of Conduct” towards people with disabilities, published in cooperation with the General Secretariat of Communication and Information of the Ministry of Interior, Decentralization and e-Government and distributed to all public entities.

The UNESCO Chair has developed a partnership with:

-The Directorate of UNESCO Policy Intercultural in Paris.
-The Regional Office of UNESCO in Venice.
-The Greek National Commission of UNESCO.
-The UNESCO Chairs in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
-The General Secretariat of Communication and Information of the Ministry of Interior,       Decentralization and E-Governance,  latter General Secretariat  of Information and Communication – General Secretariat of Mass Media.
-The Ministry of Macedonia-Thrace.
-The Department of Theatre in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
-The Museums of Thessaloniki.
-The local government.
-The Intercultural Schools of Thessaloniki.
-The Hellenic College of Thessaloniki.
-The Secondary Education Department of Eastern and Western Thessaloniki and other public and private entities in an effort to spread the UNESCO values for human rights and the importance of intercultural education.
-The Director of the UNESCO Chair on ‘’Multicultural Policy’’ has been Prof. Dr. P. Naskou Perraki with general supervision and coordination of work. Since 2015, the Director is Prof. Dr. Despoina Anagnostopoulou, Assistant Professor in the Department of International and European Studies.


UNESCO Conventions
Activities of UNESCO
Greek National Commission of UNESCO
Bibliography on Human Rights
Bibliography on Law of Armed Conflict and International Humanitarian Law
Bibliography on International and European Environmental Law
Bibliography on World Heritage Protection
Bibliography on Diplomatic and Consular Law
Literature on National Issues (Macedonian Issue)
Bibliography on European Law 2007-2008 (CIEEL)
Bibliography on European Law 2009-2012 (CIEEL)