5 – 9 July, 2017 – Thessaloniki
The UNESCO Chair of “Intercultural Policy for Active Citizenship and Solidarity” of the University of Macedonia organizes a Summer Academy in Thessaloniki targeted to lawyers, judges, teachers, police, journalists, political and social scientists, social workers, NGO members and University students interested in “Human Rights in Europe with particular emphasis on the rights of refugees”.
The courses will be taught in English by 12 specialized academics and experts from Europe and Greece in the Conference Room of the University of Macedonia during 5-9 July, 2017 (40 teaching hours). The program offers 3 extracurricular ECTS units to the participants that will pass a multiple choice exam. The courses will be held from 14.30 to 21.30 daily, and on Saturday from 10.30 to 18.30 and Sunday from 15.00 to 21.45.
The summer academy consists of six thematic circles and the corresponding lectures, which are:
- International and Regional Mechanisms for Human Rights Protection
- f. Professor P. Naskou Perraki: “International and Regional Protection of Human Rights: the Example of Refugees”
- The European Convention on Human Rights
- Dr. D. Rajska (expert – Council of Europe): “The European Convention on Human Rights – The Right to a Fair Trial and the Right to Asylum”
- Assistant Professor I. Papadopoulos: “Freedom of Expression”
3. Fundamental Human Rights in the EU
- Assoc. Professor L. Papadopoulou: “The Charter of Fundamental Rights”
- Professor E. Alexandropoulou and Dr. M. Mylossi: “The Protection of Personal Data in the EU”
4. Prohibition of discrimination with emphasis on LGBT rights
- Assoc. Professor D. Anagnostopoulou: “Legislation and case law of the ECtHR and the European Court of Justice on the Prohibition of Discrimination”
- Professor A. Tryfonidou: “The Rights of LGBT in Europe”
5. Refugees
- Dr. Ch. Baxevanis, “Procedures for granting asylum in Greece and the EU-Turkey Declaration”
- Dr. E. Koutsouraki, “The Rights of Asylum Seekers in the Common European Asylum System”
In this section there will be a lecture by Mr. Petros Mastakas, UNHCR official in Athens “Beyond emergency response and transition: The search for durable solutions for refugees”.
6. Cultural Rights, Minorities and Group
- Dr. N. Gaitenidis: “Cultural Rights in Europe” and “Minorities, Indigenous Populations and Groups: Human Rights and Identity
- Assistant Professor I. Papavassileiou – Alexiou: Laboratory on “Intercultural Competencies on Counseling in Vulnerable Social Groups”.
The Course description, the CVs of the faculty, and optional social activities scheduled can be downloaded here
The cost of participation is 280 euros.
Especially for university students, the cost is only 240 euros. It includes: tuition fees, all teaching material (sent by e-mail), coffee breaks and light meals, examinations and certificates.
There is a special 10% discount available on tuition fees for 2 persons and 20% for 3 persons. The summer academy will award two scholarships provided that there will be over 20 participants to candidates that will show great academic
interest and performance as well as proofs of their financial squeeze. The scholarship only covers the cost of participation.
The deadline for submitting applications is until June 30, 2017. You can fill in the application form (in English) that you can find here
Then you must send the application by e-mail to chrybass@yahoo.com and danag@uom.gr. For more information, call 2310 891 442 or the website https://unescochair.uom.gr/?p=657
See you soon!